Episode 14

14. Are Your Company Values Just Words on the Wall?

Lots of companies have invested in their core values. 

However, much like with vision and mission statements, core values for most businesses end up as little more than words on a wall.

So how do you make sure that your values aren’t just a ‘feel good, warm and fuzzy’ experience for your business? How do you make them integral to your business goals? 

Thats the topic for today’s JAM session.

Monte Pedersen is a fellow consultant of mine on LinkedIn and he recently posted that the problem with most core values is that they’re largely aspirational in nature.

And in my experience, he’s 100% right. 

In other words, you can’t have a strong culture without a set of core behaviors that drive action. 

Don’t miss this:  Values just don’t ‘say’ what you do… they characterize everything you do.

They are the fuel that powers your strategy… and ultimately your profits.

So unless you’ve made your core values observable, measurable and coachable, they may inspire people for a while, but over time they’ll lack substance because they lack accountability...

They become little more than words on a wall.

I have yet to meet a great business leader who’s satisfied with checking boxes or who settles for average performance and mediocre results.

Great business leaders create high and measurable standards for performance and they are unwavering in their commitment to 

  • recruiting & hire to them;
  • set goals and expectations around them;
  • and create a culture of ownership through them.

About the Podcast

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Lead Thru Values
A leadership podcast that discusses the connection between company culture and workplace performance.

About your host

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James Mayhew

James Mayhew is an expert on organizational culture and values-based leadership. He is the former chief culture officer for one of the fastest growing small business in the country leading them to also becoming one of the most attractive workplaces in the Midwest.
James partners with business leaders to build world-class workplaces through his Purpose Driven Teams framework which seamlessly integrates strategic direction, execution disciplines and organizational culture, helping company leaders have assurance they have excellent people doing exceptional work on the most important things.