Episode 21

21. Creating A Culture of Execution Management with Monte Pedersen

Culture or strategy?

Or, is it...

Strategy and culture?

In this episode, Monte Pedersen and I dig into organizational culture and how it impacts your company's performance and goals.

Connect with Monte on LinkedIn or visit his website:  https://www.clarifydeployachieve.com

Monte Pedersen enjoyed a 35-year career in the managed services industry before deciding in 2016 to start his own leadership and training firm focused on “Strategy Execution Management”. 

His new expressed goal being to help businesses and organizations deliver consistently on their strategic plans and get better at it every year.  

His extensive tenure and experience working in the corporate sector demonstrated to him that people and leadership are the two most important elements in any workplace and they’re also the most taken for granted.

Monte’s full-time focus is now driven by the desire to help others avoid many of the mistakes and failures he experienced over the course of his career. 

He is a life-long learner, avid golfer, above average cook and is constantly on the lookout for the best bottle of wine under $20.

He resides in the United States in the great Midwestern hamlet of Galena, Illinois with his wife and daughter. 

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Lead Thru Values
Lead Thru Values
A leadership podcast that discusses the connection between company culture and workplace performance.

About your host

Profile picture for James Mayhew

James Mayhew

James Mayhew is an expert on organizational culture and values-based leadership. He is the former chief culture officer for one of the fastest growing small business in the country leading them to also becoming one of the most attractive workplaces in the Midwest.
James partners with business leaders to build world-class workplaces through his Purpose Driven Teams framework which seamlessly integrates strategic direction, execution disciplines and organizational culture, helping company leaders have assurance they have excellent people doing exceptional work on the most important things.