Episode 20

20. How Mental Toughness Boosts Performance with Holly Adams

Mental toughness. Grit. Resiliency. Anti-fragility. 

No matter how you describe it, Holly explains that mental toughness is understanding how you process things, how you react and how to manage that when it comes to performance.

  • Discipline
  • Accountability
  • Managing emotions

In this episode, James and Holly discuss how mental toughness is more important now than every in business.

Links to books we discussed:

Holly has served in various Human Resources roles in different industries for over 20 years. In April 2018, she chose to open her own practice, Holly Adams Consulting, to focus on providing clients a valued coaching partnership as they journey through the development process. 

Holly has a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and is passionate about topics like trust, leadership, grit, self-awareness and emotional intelligence. 

She loves learning and believes in the power of gratitude, green smoothies and coffee.

About the Podcast

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Lead Thru Values
A leadership podcast that discusses the connection between company culture and workplace performance.

About your host

Profile picture for James Mayhew

James Mayhew

James Mayhew is an expert on organizational culture and values-based leadership. He is the former chief culture officer for one of the fastest growing small business in the country leading them to also becoming one of the most attractive workplaces in the Midwest.
James partners with business leaders to build world-class workplaces through his Purpose Driven Teams framework which seamlessly integrates strategic direction, execution disciplines and organizational culture, helping company leaders have assurance they have excellent people doing exceptional work on the most important things.